Board Statistics
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Posts: 398
Threads: 71
Members: 29
Posts per day: 1.85
Threads per day: 0.33
Members per day: 0.13
Posts per member: 13.72
Threads per member: 2.45
Replies per thread: 4.61
Newest Member: starletvania
Members who have posted: 58.62%
Today's top poster: Nobody (0 posts)
Most popular forum: discussion (203 posts, 32 threads)
Top referrer: melo (8 referrals)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb) (16 replies)
What are you proud of yourself for doing today? (15 replies)
Current Groups/Members (14 replies)
introduce yourself :D (14 replies)
what are you listening to right now? what have you listened to today? (14 replies)
Rate the signature/avi of the user above you! (11 replies)
Shuhua isn't scared of social anxiety, social anxiety is scared of Shuhua (10 replies)
zerobaseone is cool (10 replies)
pet pics!! (9 replies)
Favorite Toku (9 replies)
Desktop screenies thread (9 replies)
Favorite minecraft version? (8 replies)
y'all got games on your phone? (8 replies)
What do you like to do when you're not on the internet? (8 replies)
What’s the last comic you read? (8 replies)
meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb) (4,384 views)
introduce yourself :D (3,931 views)
What are you proud of yourself for doing today? (3,385 views)
what are you listening to right now? what have you listened to today? (3,339 views)
Rate the signature/avi of the user above you! (2,902 views)
Current Groups/Members (2,738 views)
Favorite Toku (2,647 views)
Shuhua isn't scared of social anxiety, social anxiety is scared of Shuhua (2,504 views)
zerobaseone is cool (2,463 views)
pet pics!! (2,233 views)
Favorite minecraft version? (2,116 views)
What do you like to do when you're not on the internet? (2,084 views)
Desktop screenies thread (2,038 views)
What’s the last comic you read? (1,945 views)
look at my yellowjackets amv (1,802 views)