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meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb)
posting this because i noticed some weird and funny things about the forum and i'm learning about it as i go

first of all there's a built in rickroll in the help section over here which is like so fucking funny to me, you go janky software that's older than me

also there's no fucking alt text feature??? for forum software from 2002 that's fucking bizarre and inexplicable to me. maybe there is for attachments i haven't tested those yet (will be doing that soon because friends have brought up issues with that) but none for external images? fucking strange. there's not even a plugin for it so we gotta do it the tumblr way and do text body descriptions. despite this limitation (accessibility issue more than anything) i do encourage everyone to describe their images for the sake of blind/low vision users, and don't abuse it as a shitpost thing that's just a mean thing to do

i can apparently change the smilies but i like these ones so maybe not. but if i can add to them without changing them all then we're getting custom ones that i'm stealing from discord servers because i can

i wonder if i can change the links in the top bar under the logo? or add to them? probably not but it'd be cool if i could link to more of my websites and my wiki and shit

i'm running this all through docker by the way and not like what i did for dokuwiki where i followed a guide where some person exec'd into a docker container running php and shit and then just installed dokuwiki through there, like this is an official image, but i'm kinda baffled as to how to edit the php settings like php.ini which is required to edit the max file upload size???? which is causing some of the image upload issues i believe. i did the best i can since it's currently set at 10MB and i upped the image limits by extension in the admin settings but hey if you run into any issues in the meantime as i try to fix it let me know and i'll keep it in mind and try to fix it

hmmm could probably come up with more to talk about but whatever this is getting long. if you know me i have a tendency to ramble about the shit i love so this thread will probably be more of this crap
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
OH ALSO i can add custom profile fields! i found out when i looked into adding to the contact details because really, skype and google hangouts and shit? lol. lmao. i love old software. that aside though i know over on [redacted idol forum if you know you know] a mod added a discord field after i suggested it so i wondered if i could do the same over here, even if this is different software like it should have a customizable part of things because the idol forum is just as old and had it. and it did! sadly i can't add to the contact info, it just appears under "additional profile info" or something, but that's good enough. i added discord and xmpp for now, will probably add matrix. if anyone has suggestions for additional profile fields post in this thread!

also also as a side note i found out i could add to the gender drop down menu so i added ones like non-binary and genderqueer and stuff, if anyone wants more to be added i'll add that.

OH MY GOD WAIT I JUST REALIZED I SHOULD ADD A PRONOUNS FIELD. ok posting this now so i can go and do that i'll edit this when i do it

edit literally a minute later: we now have a pronouns field
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
ok my dear friend irene told me there is indeed no mobile interface for this forum which kinda blows but eh what was i expecting. there ARE user made responsive themes though so i do wonder if someone made a mobile theme from the ground up, or maybe a plugin for a very basic one at the very least? i can look into it. but of course the great charm of a shitty old janky forum is its shitty old janky interface and dated contact information

i MIGHTTTT change the forum logo for funsies because i originally wanted to use a png of a glittery purple gun that i actually edited to be pink and almost went through with but it looked kind of shitty so i went with the one that's up right now. BUT also consider the hilarity of the logo being a glittery gun. so fucking funny. maybe i can like rotate them out, maybe there's a plugin to have them change on refresh from a given set of logos/banners like [redacted idol forum] has which i made additional idol banners for because i was fucking nuts about that forum in 2020 like i really did all that for a dead forum what is wrong with me

by the way i don't know if anyone gets notified about it on the user end but as an admin there is IP logging visible to me and i feel i should disclose that. HOWEVER. somehow i fucked something up and all ip addresses are showing as the server's internal ip. so for any random user, including you reading this if you're registered, the ip i see from you is just the server's ip. so no worries about me or any potential future mods (lol) seeing your ip! and if this ever somehow changes i'll try to find a way to disable it but for now i don't really care
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
i can't seem to edit the help documents? there's a whole module for it in the admin settings but the documents in there don't match the ones everyone sees. that's odd. maybe i'll ask about it on official mybb sites or whatever if i really want to know why they're not matched

anyway i went to change them because we do have a soundcloud plugin that i added for the sake of a shitpost. so you can type the code below to have soundcloud songs embed in your post:


just remove the back slash (\) in the first brackets because what the fuck code embeds in a code block? that's stupid. maybe it's just the soundcloud plugin messing with that. weird. also the song linked is just an example but it's also a banger newjeans remix so check it out if ya want
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
(02-05-2024, 06:47 PM)melo Wrote: by the way i don't know if anyone gets notified about it on the user end but as an admin there is IP logging visible to me and i feel i should disclose that. HOWEVER. somehow i fucked something up and all ip addresses are showing as the server's internal ip. so for any random user, including you reading this if you're registered, the ip i see from you is just the server's ip. so no worries about me or any potential future mods (lol) seeing your ip! and if this ever somehow changes i'll try to find a way to disable it but for now i don't really care

re this: i just went and disabled ip logging as a whole so no worries about that anymore. i'm kinda curious how it got to the broken state it was in but it's not something i need to know lol. i'll just chalk it up to a weird nginx container thing
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
courtesy of irene/@kingdomcome, we now have an official 88x31 pixel site button! i put it in the footer so it can be accessed on nearly every page which is just AWESOME. again thank you so so much irene!

(image description: screenshot of the right corner of this site's footer, showing the site button which is gray and says 'join angel dot say it ditto dot net or else...!')
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
(02-05-2024, 08:58 PM)melo Wrote: courtesy of irene/@kingdomcome, we now have an official 88x31 pixel site button! i put it in the footer so it can be accessed on nearly every page which is just AWESOME. again thank you so so much irene!

(image description: screenshot of the right corner of this site's footer, showing the site button which is gray and says 'join angel dot say it ditto dot net or else...!')

Cute!!!! Tongue
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧~Sana Sha Sha So Sweet~✧・゚:* *:・゚✧
(02-05-2024, 08:58 PM)melo Wrote: again thank you so so much irene!

Anytime Heart
[Image: buttonpink2.png][Image: buttonmoving.gif]
#1 waterparks fan, #459th red velvet fan
(02-05-2024, 09:03 PM)kingdomcome Wrote:
(02-05-2024, 08:58 PM)melo Wrote: again thank you so so much irene!

Anytime Heart

say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
we now have new emojis because i mentioned before that i wanted to add some and i just got around to it! i stole most/all of these from discord, some of the fandom specific ones are stolen from fandom discords so if anyone who owns those servers wants them removed i'll do it on request (you can email me about that)

general emojis:
Pleading Sunglasses Thinking Pensive Sob Skull Eyes blurred Hug Heart sparkling heart lesbian party popper double exclamation marks

fandom specific emojis:
laughing sato masaki (hello project, sato masaki laughing)
Cry raven (new teen titans, raven crying)
Pray donna (new teen titans, donna praying/hands together)

i AM worried about alt text, i'm pretty sure the alt text is pulled from the descriptions or names of the emojis? so for both of those fields i tried to keep them screenreader friendly for the most part while still easy to access for forum users. if anyone has any concerns about this i can look into it further.

EDIT like two minutes later: ok so the alt text is pulled from the name of the emojis, and the names can include spaces, so i just put the emoji call and then the person/character portrayed in the emoji (for example: the laughing sato masaki emoji is named "lol sato masaki"). let me know if more sufficient alt text should be provided.

and as always, feel free to request for emojis to be added! i will say there's a VERY small sizing limit for them, just 21x21 pixels, so if your emoji has high detail, i wouldn't recommend suggesting it. still though you can suggest anyway and i can show you how it looks and if you still want it to be added. i did some small bits of sharpening and brightening on a couple of the above added emojis for clarity so that is something i can do, but only to enhance them and not to emphasize detail that's mostly washed away. so keep that in mind before suggesting anything.

i'll add anything fandom specific too unless it's something bad and stupid like harry potter
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

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