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meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb)
ALSO! short update: i realized the "postbit" call in the settings for custom profile fields essentially means "display this field in each user thread post" so i went and enabled it for the pronouns field. you can see a user's set pronouns (if set) in the far right corner of a user post opposite of the avatar, if that makes sense. it's a little subtle and hard to see but it's definitely there.

hopefully this helps with correctly calling each other how we want to be called, and that can include no pronouns if wanted (that's why i set the field as a text area instead of a drop down, so people can enter in whatever they want and the multiple sets of pronouns they may use, or if they just don't use pronouns at all and only go by their name or something like that. just want to be as inclusive as possible)

edit: first thread on the forum to have a second page and it's my nonsense spam posting mybb musings lol. good going me
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

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RE: meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb) - by melo - 02-06-2024, 03:39 PM

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