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meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb)
ok my dear friend irene told me there is indeed no mobile interface for this forum which kinda blows but eh what was i expecting. there ARE user made responsive themes though so i do wonder if someone made a mobile theme from the ground up, or maybe a plugin for a very basic one at the very least? i can look into it. but of course the great charm of a shitty old janky forum is its shitty old janky interface and dated contact information

i MIGHTTTT change the forum logo for funsies because i originally wanted to use a png of a glittery purple gun that i actually edited to be pink and almost went through with but it looked kind of shitty so i went with the one that's up right now. BUT also consider the hilarity of the logo being a glittery gun. so fucking funny. maybe i can like rotate them out, maybe there's a plugin to have them change on refresh from a given set of logos/banners like [redacted idol forum] has which i made additional idol banners for because i was fucking nuts about that forum in 2020 like i really did all that for a dead forum what is wrong with me

by the way i don't know if anyone gets notified about it on the user end but as an admin there is IP logging visible to me and i feel i should disclose that. HOWEVER. somehow i fucked something up and all ip addresses are showing as the server's internal ip. so for any random user, including you reading this if you're registered, the ip i see from you is just the server's ip. so no worries about me or any potential future mods (lol) seeing your ip! and if this ever somehow changes i'll try to find a way to disable it but for now i don't really care
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

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RE: meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb) - by melo - 02-05-2024, 06:47 PM

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