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meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb)
posting this because i noticed some weird and funny things about the forum and i'm learning about it as i go

first of all there's a built in rickroll in the help section over here which is like so fucking funny to me, you go janky software that's older than me

also there's no fucking alt text feature??? for forum software from 2002 that's fucking bizarre and inexplicable to me. maybe there is for attachments i haven't tested those yet (will be doing that soon because friends have brought up issues with that) but none for external images? fucking strange. there's not even a plugin for it so we gotta do it the tumblr way and do text body descriptions. despite this limitation (accessibility issue more than anything) i do encourage everyone to describe their images for the sake of blind/low vision users, and don't abuse it as a shitpost thing that's just a mean thing to do

i can apparently change the smilies but i like these ones so maybe not. but if i can add to them without changing them all then we're getting custom ones that i'm stealing from discord servers because i can

i wonder if i can change the links in the top bar under the logo? or add to them? probably not but it'd be cool if i could link to more of my websites and my wiki and shit

i'm running this all through docker by the way and not like what i did for dokuwiki where i followed a guide where some person exec'd into a docker container running php and shit and then just installed dokuwiki through there, like this is an official image, but i'm kinda baffled as to how to edit the php settings like php.ini which is required to edit the max file upload size???? which is causing some of the image upload issues i believe. i did the best i can since it's currently set at 10MB and i upped the image limits by extension in the admin settings but hey if you run into any issues in the meantime as i try to fix it let me know and i'll keep it in mind and try to fix it

hmmm could probably come up with more to talk about but whatever this is getting long. if you know me i have a tendency to ramble about the shit i love so this thread will probably be more of this crap
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

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meta shit about the forum (also known as: melo learns and muses about mybb) - by melo - 02-05-2024, 06:14 PM

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