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morning musume, queens since 1997
this song didn't click with me on first listen so i gotta give it another go and see what i think when i can remember it better haha

my oshis are yamazaki mei and nonaka miki so we share an oshi! i used to be way more obsessed with mm than i am now, my idol interest has waned a bit since my depression set in over the past couple years and not to get too personal but i kinda miss when i had endless energy to stan idols before i was depressed, now i'm like a casual fan. but mm still have a special place in my heart and seeing their rotations over the years i've been a fan has been fun and exciting as much as it can be heartbreaking. i love them!!!!!!!!!
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

Messages In This Thread
RE: morning musume, queens since 1997 - by melo - 02-06-2024, 06:48 PM
RE: morning musume, queens since 1997 - by melo - 02-06-2024, 10:39 PM

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