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melo's writing ♡
yeah let's have a fanfic thread on the stupid silly forum. i do what i want.

anyway read my bullshit at superlove
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
lemme post my most recent fic why not

Quote:blind and unwise
legend of korra, asami
991 words

notes: early to mid book 2, maybe a little not in line with canon, maybe a little too much projection on my part
summary: At nineteen years old, the memory of her father disgusts her.

ao3 + squidgeworld + superlove + dreamwidth
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!
wrote some fanfic but i'm actually here to post about an original poem i wrote today. i'm really proud of it as exposed as it makes me feel.

Quote:thank you and goodbye
1,160 words

: i wrote this in one sitting and it got sad. also my first poem. unless you count the acrostic poems i wrote in elementary school which are long dead and buried
summary: All the girls I read about are miserable / or want to be

superlove + dreamwidth + mars2027

i hope you enjoy my sadness lol
say it with me: hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi! hello kitty balah curri hello kitty oishi!

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