Making friends online - Printable Version

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Making friends online - kingdomcome - 03-02-2024

How do you make friends online? (/how have you made friends online?) For me I've only ever made friends online through small obscure websites, and friends introducing their friends to me. I'm not sure how anyone makes friends on big social network sites Confused I'm afraid of having that big of a potential audience. It seems niche small corners of the web are the best for me. Kpop fedi consists of like. 10 people at most lol. It's nice. I'd like to maybe meet some folks on dreamwidth, but I'm terrified of posting on addme. I don't want a bunch of random people reading my blog, & I'm afraid the way I word things will be too weird for anyone to wanna interact with me lol. That or I won't know what info to include about me, how long the post should be, etc etc.

Anyway, where have you met your online friends?; if you have any.

RE: Making friends online - freeeeequency - 03-02-2024

I met my oldest friend on fanfiction [dot] net, lol. I feel lucky that we still talk to each other after almost 20 years, and actually got to meet up in 2022.
I met a few of my other longtime friends on deviantART, and I think the rest I either met on LiveJournal, or we had a mutual friend or two.

kingdomcome Wrote:I don't want a bunch of random people reading my blog, & I'm afraid the way I word things will be too weird for anyone to wanna interact with me lol.

Oh god I feel this so much... Idk how I was able to do that stuff when I was younger. Sob

RE: Making friends online - ShaMiMome - 03-03-2024

I've met all mine on fedi so far  Shy I was just myself, like the cringe and all and surprisingly people didn't tell me to leave so it was a nice surprise!!

RE: Making friends online - kingdomcome - 03-04-2024

(03-03-2024, 02:36 AM)ShaMiMome Wrote: I've met all mine on fedi so far  Shy I was just myself, like the cringe and all and surprisingly people didn't tell me to leave so it was a nice surprise!!

Fedi is where cringe goes to thrive, of course no one told you to leave! The more unapologetic genuine posting, the better.

(03-02-2024, 11:52 PM)freeeeequency Wrote: I met my oldest friend on fanfiction [dot] net, lol. I feel lucky that we still talk to each other after almost 20 years, and actually got to meet up in 2022.

That's awesome!! I hope my current friends stay my friends for that long too. [old man voice:] fanfiction dot net... why, I haven't heard that name in years!

RE: Making friends online - scottseatingsoupagain - 03-06-2024

discord, usually Smile

RE: Making friends online - kingdomcome - 03-09-2024

(03-06-2024, 08:50 AM)scottseatingsoupagain Wrote: discord, usually Smile

You are so brave... how do you handle discord servers??